Creating New Content Story

An informational story that may contain a combination of text, image, or media.

After you click the story it pops open.

Another example:

Creating New Content Story

Select if should require attendance. 
Select the date and time your story will be live and expire.
Add optional Big Text or Headline Text.
Add optional image or video.


While images can be manually cropped and sized to fit a story, the recommended size of images and videos is 1080px by 1920px (a 9:16 aspect ratio). Images will be used at 100% height if following these specs.

However, all phones are different, so if you want it to be full screen the biggest thing is to make sure the image is a portrait and have enough room on the sides to accommodate cropping for the various phone sizes.

Add optional small text or copy under the image or video.
Add optional link to send members to an external page with more information.
Add optional visibility filters by segmenting certain groups allowed to see the story by using tags or membership levels.
Click Save.


If you require attendance, this will require members to be checked in as attending or watching the selected event for them to see it. 

It will also become part of the event on the home page and move above any stories that are not associated with the event.


If you require attendance, the step of selecting the date and time will change to 3 options.

Duration of the entire event.
Only during a specific time window.
Don’t show the story until an admin manually selects the story to go live.