CrowdCameo Dashboard

Here you will find all of the CrowdCameo galleries that have happened and any that are set up for the future. Here you can see the total amount of photos that have been submitted, how many are pending, how many have been rejected and how many total fan votes submitted across all photos for each gallery.


The easiest way to create a CrowdCameo gallery is when creating an event, check the box to enable a CrowdCameo for the event. This will create the gallery for the event within this dashboard. Once it is created, you can make edits to the gallery here.

Edit Gallery

Gallery Name.
Enter the amount of points members will earn for submitting a photo.
Start Date and End Date.

Best to coincide with your event duration

Enter Instructions Headline. 

Displayed next to the button to upload a photo in the app

Enter Instructions.

Displayed below the Instructions Headline

Enter Success Message.

Replaces the Instructions Headline after a member uploads a photo

Click Update Gallery Button.


There are defaults for the text that will appear to members, but if you are incorporating a sponsor adding them to the Gallery Name, Instruction Headline, or to the Instructions. 


If you choose not to have photos be auto approved, this is the page that you will want to keep an eye on during your event. All photos that have been submitted, but have not been approved or rejected are here. Members are not able to see the photos that have a pending status. 

To approve a photo, click on it once and a green frame will appear around the photo. To reject a photo, click on it twice and a red frame will appear around the photo. 


You will find all of the approved photos for either the current or the last event’s CrowdCameo gallery. You are able to select a different event with the dropdown in the upper right. 

You're able to download photos in the pending, approved, or rejected folders. Most likely you would download a photo from the Approved section to share on social media or within an email. Simply click the "download" button in the bottom right below a photo to download it.


You will find all of the rejected photos for either the current of the last event’s CrowdCameo gallery. You are able to select a different event with the dropdown in the upper right.