
All colors are hex-decimal colors or for web color. When initially setting up your colors it is best to have your team’s official hex colors on hand.

Background Color

Used primarily on the desktop. The image is usually on top of this, but is used anywhere there is a background. This can be used in the mobile app if an event is missing an image, this will be used instead.


Event images are required so this shouldn’t be used, but is the default backup.

Highlight Color

Any time we are trying to call attention to something, so ideally this should be something that will stick out from the regular team colors but should still match your team’s color scheme. For example, this color will be used for any buttons on your sites.

Mobile Menu Color

Color of the icons on the mobile menu within the app.

App Header Background Color

Color the very top header. Note that the program logo and menu tabs are displayed in white on top of this color on desktop and the program logo and shopping cart is displayed in white on top of this color in the app.

Email Accent Color

The accent color will be used as the background color of the header if a recipient has images turned off (replacing the banner image). It may also be used to color general text headers. This color will always be shown against a white background, and any text inside of it will be white.

Default Stories Background Color

Every story has this color as the background. Dark is best as it makes the white text pop.

Default App Venue Icon Pin Color

When using the mapping feature, this is the color of the pins of the venue locations on the map. You are able to customize this color on the Venue Group page when creating a venue group, but this is the default color if you wish not to change it for a particular group.