Create Members

This import type will set up a new user account for anyone that is on the list that you upload.

As a minimum when uploading a new user file, you must include an email and password for each user.

You can optionally add first name, last name, student ID and/or Member ID.

See here for an example load


  • Random passwords will be generated for any user for whom the password column is blank
  • Imports will NOT change the password of existing users. Existing users will retain their current passwords.

An example entry would look like this:

This would create the '' user and they could login using the password 'Test123834', with the member_id of '55555' and first name of 'John'

username password memberid first_name Test123834 55555 John

Or this

username password

Would create the user '' and give them a random password. This password can be found in the output file that is generated when the import is complete.


If you are looking to bulk upload more information than what is here, please see our “Member Info” article on how to add more account information after creating users