Importing Points

This import type will reward points to accounts that are included within the file you upload. This should not be used to take away points and only used to award them. 

See here for a sample file

How to Fill Out your CSV File

  1. Email - The first column of your import is how we will look up the user. 
  2. Identifier - The second column should be what you use to uniquely refer to this awarding of points. It should not be blank and will only be used once. 
  3. Points - The third column is the points you would like to award to the user. 
  4. Explanation - The fourth column is the explanation or the message you wish to show users for why they are being awarded points. This should not be blank.
email identifier points explanation VIP signup 1000 Thank you for signing up for our VIP Program! Expiration
These points are too old


You must ensure your identifier is unique. Each identifier will only be scored once for each user. 

This allows you to use the same upload over and over with more people added to the list each time. As long as the identifier is exactly the same, you will not have any duplicate points awarded.


There are some advanced features within this import type, such as, Expiration Date. Most uploads will not use this feature as you will likely want to have the points uploaded expire as any other points would within your program. 

However, if you decide that you would like to change when the points uploaded in this file will expire, you are able to do that by entering the date here.


Please save your .csv files using the MS-DOS Comma Separated value option for best import results!