New Promo Code

Enter the desired code the users will enter.
Enter the quantity of points a user is granted for using the code.
Enter the date that users can start using the promo code and be rewarded points.
Enter the date that users will no longer be able to use the promo code to earn points.


We highly recommend that you use single word promo codes to make it easy on members to redeem. However, promo codes are able to use spaces and are not case sensitive. Promo codes should NOT contain any special characters (Ex. !, ‘, &, etc…).


Members are able to redeem promo codes on the desktop, mobile web, and mobile app. Promo codes are only able to be redeemed once per user, during a single promo code duration. However, promo codes can be repeated during a different duration and members will be able to redeem that code again, once, during the new duration.