Member Notifications

Email Templates

When the email is enabled, these notifications are automatically sent our to members. You are able to enable them by checking the “email” box and edit these templates here.

Expiring Points.

Sent automatically to all users that have points expiring in the upcoming month

You are able to edit what day of the month to send this, as well as any other content that you want to provide.


Sent on members birthdate (if known). Points can optionally be awarded as well.

Prize Redemption: Digital Code.

Digital Codes are sent to a member as soon as they redeem a digital code prize for points in the prize store.

Prize Redeemed.

Prize confirmation emails are sent to a member as soon as they redeem a prize for points in the prize store.

Ensure that {{recipient.shipping_or_pickup_instructions}} is in place within this email. This will pull the default instructions or specific pickup or delivery instructions for the item that was redeemed.

Prize Shipping Update.

Prize shipping emails are sent to a member as soon as a shipping order has been marked as completed or the tracking information has been updated. Note: This assumes all bundled orders have been marked as completed.

New Member Welcome.

A registration email is sent to a member as soon as they have successfully joined your program.

This is great to welcome your members and tell them more information of what to expect, provide links to download the app if applicable, or any other information you want to provide new members.

Rule Notifications

These notifications are sent to members based on custom conditions. Select Edit Rules from the actions dropdown menu below to edit the corresponding rule template.


We highly recommend sending a point milestone email for a relatively small amount of points to encourage members to keep earning points or providing information for other ways to earn points. This is also a great way to notify members of earning new membership levels, if applicable.

Automated Push Notifications

These notifications are sent to members based on custom conditions. Select Edit Rules from the actions dropdown menu below to edit the corresponding rule template.


We recommend using the Favorite Event Reminders, especially for watch events, to send a push notification to members that have favorited an event 30 minutes before the event starts.