Adding a New Page - Outbound Link

Click New Page Button.
Select your page type - Outbound Link.

If you’re just adding something to the menu that links out to another website, this is what you would select.


This will be internal as there won’t be a page to put a title on but it does need to be filled.

Link Text.

This is what will display within your menu. This is case sensitive.


This must be a https secure link.

Select all that apply.
Published - When you are ready for anyone to see your new page.
Only show to logged in users - This is good for showing content to only registered members and not the general public. 
Show in Main Menu - This is the menu at the top of your pages. 
Show in Footer Menu - This is the menu at the bottom of your pages. 
Allow Users by tag - When enabled, this page will be made available to any member with at least of the tags entered here. Members without one of the tags listed here will not see the page. 
Block Users by tag - When enabled, this page will not be shown to any member with any of these tags. Block tags override allow tags. Users with both an allow and a block tag will not be shown this page. Guests will be shown pages from the block list. 
Level Name - Require a specific membership level to view this page