
Site Enabled

This is the on and off button for your entire site. When this is disabled or unchecked, your site will no longer be live for your members to access. When this is enabled or checked, your site is live.

Store Enabled

This preference turns your prize store on and live when enabled or checked. If you have this disabled or unchecked, the site will show a “Coming Soon” page on desktop and mobile web. 


If disabled, we recommend removing the prize store from any menus it may have previously been on.

Registration Enabled

When this button is enabled or checked it allows the “join” button to show up on the login page for the general public to sign up for your program. If your program is exclusive to a particular group of members (Ex. Season ticket members) you would have this button disabled or unchecked.

Point Transfers Enabled

This is best used for programs that are closed to the public and only available to a segmented group (Ex. Season ticket members). This allows members to transfer available points to another member within the program. 


This functionality is available on desktop only. 

Completing a Point Transfer

One member enters the number of points and the email address of the member they would like to receive the point transfer. 
The member receiving the points would then receive an email with a link to accept the point transfer. 
The member receiving the points would log into their account and click the link within the email.
This will process the point transfer and spend the points from the original member’s account (just like if they were purchasing something from the prize store) and will create a new point activity to award the points to the new member.


This will change the expiration date for the member receiving the point transfer.